Public Sector

Transforming Public Services with Innovative Digital Solutions

At Codiance, we are committed to bringing the latest Software Development techniques to the public sector through our knowledge gained providing innovative and efficient digital solutions.
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Transforming the public sector

At Codiance, we are dedicated to delivering digital transformation that enhances the quality of public services, improves citizen engagement, and drives operational efficiency from Discovery through to Live Services. 

We not only adhere to the Government Design Principles but also strive to exceed them, ensuring that our solutions are future-proof, innovative, and scalable. Our commitment to going beyond these principles means we continually incorporate the latest advancements in technology and best practices, fostering an environment of continuous improvement.

Technical Project Discovery
Technical Project Discovery

Codiance has been at the forefront of Technical Discovery methodology for 17 years – our highly skilled staff are excellent communicators to technical and non-technical stakeholders and are able to conduct User Research knowing when to tease out further insights from Users due to their technical understanding of the potential of software.  

Digital Transformation Strategy
Digital Transformation Strategy

We don’t get stuck in Design Phases – we design, build and iterate quickly allowing your budget to go further. We work closely with public sector organizations to develop comprehensive digital transformation strategies that align with their goals and vision. Our approach ensures a seamless transition to modern digital infrastructures.

Cloud Solutions
Cloud Solutions

At Codiance, we prioritize the needs of citizens and public sector employees by implementing user-centered design principles. Our solutions are intuitive, accessible, and designed to provide a seamless user experience. 

Get in touch to discuss your next project

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Bespoke development for you

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our work
Recent work
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Aberdeenshire Council Digital Services Transformation
See how we helped Aberdeenshire Council transform their customer facing digital services
How we helped Instant Offices scale their CMS to over 2,200 cities in 150+ countries.
How we built a platform that helped Instant Offices scale to over 2,200 cities in 150+ countries.
Scottish Opera seamlessly upgrade to the latest Umbraco infrastructure
See how we helped Scottish Opera to seamlessly upgrade their Umbraco infrastructure.
our articles
Our blogs
Why Go Bespoke? The Advantages of Bespoke Software Development
Learn more about the landscape of bespoke software development and how it could be beneficial to your business.
What to Know Before Choosing a Bespoke Software Developer
Demystify the complex world of bespoke software development and find out exactly how to find the right software developer for your unique business needs.
Everything You Need to Know About Umbraco 13 | Codiance
The world of CMS is constantly evolving and with the release of Umbraco 13 another new chapter begins. Here's everything you need to know about the new version.
Umbraco 12 vs 13: What’s the Difference?
Here are the key differences that you need to know about Umbraco 12 vs Umbraco 13, including technical foundations, security, performance, and UX enhancements.